Context Marking menu

Action ContextMarking Menu
hotkey "a" or "q"
it is a marking menu compose of the type of action or Command you can use on the current selection , if there is nothing select the creation marking menu is used
Selection ContextMarking Menu hotkey "s"
a Marking menu with selection command base on the type of selectedObject
Display ContextMarking Menu
hotkey "d"
2 marking menu : one for Layout and one for displayComponant

How to

*CMM = context Marking Menu

edit a CMM*

a CMM is in fact a lot of normal marking menu and a function that determine which one to call in function of the current selection
when you need to make change to a CMM pick "Edit This CMM" on the CMM you want to change and update It Save and close and "voila"

create a new context

some object type haven't a markingMenu yet , when you press the actionKey on then , there is only one item createCMM , select It . and fill you Marking menu with the item desir ......
combo Marking menu
some action are only possible on some selection that include different type of object , in this case the menu is named :
Type are sort in alphabetical order.


Note about ContextMarkingMenu (CMM)

CMM is not something complex , It is actually very simple , but It can speed up your workflow and pleasure to work by a great amount .

Marking Menu are great , like customizable popup menu , but after creating 2 or 3 of them you get stuck with the amount of free hotkey needed , without speaking of memorize them and that they end up in a position not easy to reach on the keyboard .For more info about marking menu see Maya documentation

the idea with the ContextMarkingMenu is that you create as many marking menu as you want and are able to set them to few key ( 3 currently ) .Then a script select the marking menu corresponding to your selection and the current window .


How it work :

object (Node) have a nodeType , "mesh" for polygon ," nurbsSurface" for nurbs Etc. .. the scripts gather what I call realObjectType ( include multi_[type], combo_[type1]_[type2] and other to the nodeType mel command) .Then load the corresponding marking menu .

What does it mean for you ?

    1. edit CMM
      1. if the CMM for polygon doesn't suit your need
      2. select a mesh and press the ActionCMM key
      3. then pick "Edit this CMM" on the bottom
      4. edit it , Save and Close,
      5. come back to you mesh and try again , now you have the command you need where you need them :)
    2. create a CMM
      1. if the type of object haven't a CMM like spotLigth
      2. when pressing the actionMarkingMenu key ("a" or "q" by default) on this object you get a menu with only one Item
      3. you have only one Item Create CMM
      4. put the command you need like (cast shadow or look throw see directionnalLight example) save
      5. now you will not look for this command they will popup from spotLights ;)



    when you have a subMenu in a MM you can draw the path to the item without waiting for the menu to appear , a gesture like command system like in B&W ? because of that the best place in a subMenu is the one which is in the same direction than the subMenu , a fast stroke in the direction of the subMenu will call this action , always put the subMenuItem you use most here .

    • when multiple object are selected try the middle mouse button
    • it generally show the menu for a single object of that type ,it assign the same command to all the select object



    • there is currently ~50 marking menu where I tried to put as much Maya command that I found , for some I didn't find a proper place .
    • this tool will show its full power only if you take time to try it and customize it to your need , but I guaranty at 100% an increase in your workflow or you can claim your money back ;)
    From all the tools that are available on my site the CMM is definitely the one I like and use most .

    All this are my personal opinion with which you may not agree , If you don't like the CMM for any reason , send me a mail explaining me what you don't like , and how it should be instead ,so I can build a better one next time ;)

Some Examples

above : the creation menu (nothingSelect)

rightSide : the subMenu Nurbs

when the command you want to access is in a subMenu you can access it by drawing the path to it , this example above show how create a nurbsCircle in the menu creation (nothing select)

above : the "mesh" menu

rightSide : the "nurbsSurface" menu

Selection CMM

the "edge" Menu

the "face" Menu

the "New" subFolder of the "face" Menu