

Main Features

  1. Creation Box is a specific ShelfCopyBox , that dispay the Creation Shelf
  2. its an alternative To the Creation MarkingMenu
  3. when you press an item of the CreationBox , a window popup on the side with the elements available of that type
  4. when you press one of the element the popupWindow disapear
  5. This is slower than using the CreationMarkingMenu but give you access to preset !!!
  6. This Box is in an early stage so you can't add or remove element to the creation shelf neither move the item , but you can add preset or element in the primitives shelfs they are located in the userShelfDir/Creation , better way to modify then is to access then using a shelfCopyBox and save the change , note that the change will only apear on the creation box popup Window on next maya session !!!


Look at the Common Box Features for more info