Shelf Button Editor

Preset Tab

Main Features

  1. Enable you to have RMB menu to shelf Button
  2. it include
    1. OptionBox Command
    2. preset Management
    3. and Save Shelf
  3. you can re-order the preset in the list by MMB Drag&Drop
  4. To create a preset you need to have the option Command set and press Create New or choose createNew in the RMB popupMenu on the list
  5. then set The value you want for the preset in the Option Box and Use the RMB menu on the optionBox to create a preset or edit you command
  6. then change the name of the preset and save
  7. now if you rightClick on the item it will have your new preset


the Get Button for selection the Icon Doesn't Work !


Look at the Common Box Features for more info