Download version 1.0

Ver. 1.0 (work only on maya 3.0) (~440Ko)

How to Install


  1. unzip the zip file in a temp dir copy the content of mayaUserDir in your maya user dir
  2. ex : C:\Documents and Settings\xteo\My Documents\maya\3.0
  3. copy the mll file in your plug'ins dir (C:\AW\Maya3.0\bin\plug-ins)
  4. copy glut32.dll in winnt/system32/
  1. f maya was running close it then launch maya
  2. open the plug'ins manager , and load xHelper.mll , put autoLoad on .
  3. there is a new shelf named xHelper .
  1. first icon for sourcing the scripts , press it each time you have restarted maya and want to use the scripts
  2. second icon launch the window to create xHelpers.(you can access the window in the Action context Marking menu (creation->locator->xHelper)
  3. third icon for the Doc (if you download the zip with the Doc)
  1. if you have probleme setting up the scripts , send me a mail I will help you .
  2. if you find bug or limitation that upset you or if you have idea you would like to find in next release ,Send me a mail .
  3. if you like the scripts or hate it ! send me a mail :)