Xumi 1.9 Setup

Xumi 1.9 shelf

  1. Start : press it Once to source or install the scripts
  2. Setup : It will bring the setup window and the Bar configWindow
  3. Doc : Only if you install the OfflineDocumentation (soon available )

  1. Press Azerty or Qwerty to set the default key assignement
  2. or set the key you want to use
  3. press
    1. install/restore to install it or restore factory setting !
    2. and change Cmm key if you just want to change to CMM setting , note it will not put the preview key back to there value , you have to do that manualy
  4. If you want to have Xumi starting each Time at maya start up copy this userSetup.mel into your maya/4.0/scripts Directory , or append the content to the files already present .

  1. use the bar Config Window if you need to arrange the Box you want in you bar
  2. Note I don't recommand you use this methode , use the menu on the Bar Logo instated see BoxSystem Documentation
  3. to put something in a case LMB Click on it and pick the box you want from the menu
  4. when you are done with customization press the Apply button


Look at the Common Box Features for more info