
Main Features

  1. Display multiple shelf in a Row
  2. new preset to orgonize you shelf in group (new 1.7)
  3. new shelf tab , with MMB Drag&Drop re-orgonize and RMB Menu
  4. new ShelfButton RMB menu with optionBox , presets ,edit and delete
  5. Tear Of Copy of shelf

Shelf Tab

  1. use add to display list to append the shelf to the current preset
  2. Tear off copy , to tear off a copy of this shelf ;)
  3. set Drop Shelf to make this shelf the target of MenuItemToShelf cmd
  4. delete to delete the shelf


  1. swap Tab Vis : swap the visibility of the Tab
  2. save preset : popup a window for the new preset to create
  3. remove preset ( will delete the current preset)
  4. new shelf : will create a news shelf
  5. shelf editor : open the shelf editor
  6. save all Shelves : like it said ;)


  1. option : open the option Box for the Command
  2. Low_res and Mid_Res are 2 preset that are created for this exemple
  3. edit will open Xumi ShelfButton Editor , see ShelfButton Editor page for Info
  4. delete will delete the shelfButton , with or without a confirmation promt depanding if you select Delete or the optionBox after delete


  • Its on Ctrl+RMB !!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. refresh popup : when droping new element to the shelf they will not have RMB menu , use this to update the Menus
  2. move Right and Left to re-order the shelf in the displayList
  3. remove : will remove the shelf from the preset , but will NOT delete the Shelf
  4. ShelfName +OptionBox to edit the Shelf in the Shelf Editor
  5. Tear off copy , to tear off a copy of this shelf ;)



Look at the Common Box Features for more info